The Ar(t)chive offers a range of services to the dance and dance-research community. Access to any collections or content within The Ar(t)chive is free for in office use. As we are not(not yet) a funded entity all the work we do is done on a volunteer basis. We will always do our best to accommodate everyone but please bare in mind that we do work with certain constraints. Although the content is free and copyright belongs to the artist or collection depositor there will be charges for certain requests and services so as to cover costs incurred by The Ar(t)chive in order to accommodate your request. We would love to make online access to all our material a possibility but can only do so with the help of sponsorships, donations and sales. The Ar(t)chive is a non profit company and all proceeds go towards the upkeep and administration of The Ar(t)chive and the dance legacy of South Africa.
Please see our list of services below and email us with your request. |
Specialised Research Support |
Curated Research Packs |
This is a free service where our in-house researcher and archive intern team will assist researchers who know exactly what they want to access from The Ar(t)chive's various collections or materials. We have a scanner in the office for digitization and photographs of parts of books are allowed. As per copy right law books and other publicastions cannot be copied as a whole.
Curated research packs is a paid for service where you the researcher can request a custom assembled research pack for your area of study. Our in-house research specialist will do a one-on-one Skype or in office consultation with you to determine the scope of materials available for your needs. This service is charged for on an hourly basis of R250 p/h.
Director and Co-founder: Jessica Denyschen
Co-founder and Research Consultant: Adrienne Sichel Lead Researcher: Tammy Ballantyne Non Exec Directors: Athena Mazarakis and Roberto Pombo Board: To be announced Interns 2019: Gugulethu and Nicole (WITS Post Grad) |